My Headlines

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Attack The Man. Crucify The Reputation, Forget the Facts : Posted by Robert Paisola

And You Wonder why GOOD PEOPLE will not even DEAL with the political sysyem in Utah..

20 days before early voting began in 2008, Utah State Rep. Greg Hughes was hit with a politically-motivated smear campaign.

The attack was consistent with what has happened in other states, and seems to be a growing trend among left-wing activists. The formula is simple: make last-minute allegations of ethical wrongdoing; grab the headlines; drive your opponents approval ratings down; steal the election.

By the time the charges are cleared, it is often too late.

This video is the story of one such attack in the Salt Lake County suburb of Draper, Utah. According to records that were revealed during the investigation into these allegations, the architect of the attack was none other than the single largest donor to Rep. Hughes' political opponent, who also has served as his opponent's family attorney.

In this case, Rep. Hughes fought back and despite dealing with a committee that allowed all forms of hearsay evidence, with no ability to cross examine witnesses, and one that was controlled by a majority of lawmakers opposed to his position on school choice, he was cleared.

Rep. Hughes accusers could not even get the four Democrats on the committee to find him guilty of the primary charge of bribing a fellow colleague.

It was the ultimate October Surprise.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Trusting the Press, By Donald J. Trump, Posted by Robert Paisola

Personally, I have a love/hate relationship with the press. Over the years, they’ve written some pretty great stories about me. And, over the years, there have been a lot of lies printed too. I’ve talked to some pretty incredible reporters and some who are just horrible and seem to make up whatever they want to write.

If it’s that way about me, I know it’s that way about almost everything I read. So how do you know when to believe what you read in print or what you hear on the news?

If you’re skeptical, you’re not alone. Right now, more than half of Americans say they tend not to trust the press. They take what they read or what they hear with a grain of salt, knowing maybe they’re not getting the whole story. And I think that’s pretty smart. You just can’t believe everything you hear. Nobody can be that gullible.

Maybe somewhat surprisingly, these days people tend to trust Internet news and information sites more than they trust television. They trust radio news even more...which is why I have a radio commentary.

It’s an election year, so you have to be smarter than ever. Sift through what you hear and what you read on the news and form your own opinions. Don’t trust everything.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Executive Reputation Management , Reported by Robert Paisola

Perhaps the best-known example of reputation management in Corporate America occurred almost 100 years ago when oil titan John D. Rockefeller hired a public relations manager named Ivy Lee to burnish his image. It was Lee who conceived the idea of having Rockefeller hand out dimes to the public and made sure that only positive pictures of the magnate were released to the public.
Today, with the advent of the Internet, managing public opinion is a lot more complicated, intransigent and global. The result being, that a separate discipline called “reputation management “ or “executive reputation management” has been carved out of the public relations basket of options.

Obviously, corporate mavens have always tried to manage their public personae, but the pervasiveness of the Internet has made the task much harder because negative comments and verbal portrayals have a life beyond the local community. Anyone with a computer anywhere in the world can find out anything about you as a public person, and those same people can create statements online, in a personal blog that can cloud other’s opinions of you.

If one little thing that is disparaging about you or your company gets tossed into the information infrastructure, “you have to imagine that it is floating into every single household,” says Michael Bayer, the chief client officer and senior managing director with FD, a New York-based business and financial communications consultant. “It’s hard to get your head around that concept as it has never been the case in the history of mankind. Reputation management has never been more intense and more critical.”

Today, almost all research begins with an online search engine.

“Everybody is just turning to Google as their first point of reference on just about anything,” observes Nino Kader, who in 2006 created International Reputation Management, based in Washington, D.C., a unique public relations firm that solely focuses on ensuring clients are well represented on the Internet. Business, he says, is booming.

There are a number of search engines on the Internet, but Google is the market leader and as such creates the biggest online impact. “Google has taken such a dominant position in the market that who Google says you are very quickly becomes the reality of how the market perceives you,” adds Mike Myatt, managing director and chief strategy officer for N2Growth, a Portland, Ore.-company that provides reputation management services.

Not only do scandals and debacles quickly become the fodder of Internet entries, but if bloggers get a hold of some idea about you and start running it around the Web, immediately thousands of negative pieces of information about you can be circulating around the Internet—none of it may even be true

“The first thing 80 percent of the population does when they want to find out something is they go straight to the Internet,” says Myatt. “So, how you show up on the Internet has a high impact on other’s initial decision about you.”

The mistake a lot of companies and executives make is that they only hire someone to help with their reputation when they are already in trouble. Then it’s often too late to repair the damage.

“A brand takes years to build, whereas a reputation can be destroyed over night,” says Bayer.

Most mainstream and Internet public relations and reputation management firms recommend being proactive.

“Everyone needs to pay attention to, engage in and help shape their own reputation because we live in a world where information can suddenly get passed around globally. And because it is not necessarily accurate information, it makes reputation management even more crucial,” notes Kathy Bloomgarden, co-CEO of Ruder Finn Inc., a New York public relations agency, and author of Trust: The Secret Weapon of Effective Business Leaders.

There are a couple of first steps in regard to executive reputation management. The first is to stop pretending you know what your reputation is and that you have the skills to manage it. This is a time-consuming task, so hire people who know what to do and will dedicate the time to it, because you are paying them to do so. A company like IRM asks for a minimum six months contract because it takes time to get written articles, quotes, etc. placed and indexed properly into Google.

IRM, for example, had a client who worked at a small management-consulting firm and needed to get more credibility in regards to the energy industry. “What we try to do is find gems in someone’s background and highlight those on the Web,” says Kader. “As it turned out, this person had a lot to say about energy but was never published. We worked with him on a white paper, which was picked up by an industry publication and put on their Web site, appeared on his company’s Web site, plus on blogger’s Web sites. It looked like this person has been talking on this subject for a long while.”

Some firms recommend a reputation “audit”, which pretty much of what it says it is, an audit of all the information out there about you and your company.

If negative publicity about you and your company starts threading through the Internet, or bloggers have been creaming you, the most important thing not to do is go on their turf to answer the attacks. The best response is to gather all the good information about you, create positive position statements (a white paper, announcement of awards, press releases, etc.), and then have the professionals make sure they get you the best Internet exposure.

“What we try to do is have more of the positive listings show up above where the blogger commented and have that one get pushed back so it does not appear front and center,” says Kader.

Traditionally, says Bloomgarden, the three basic rules to follow when your reputation was under siege were, “Be fast (in response), be honest and be accessible.” Today, it’s necessary to add one more direction and, “be on the Internet.”

Proactive vs. Reactive
It is much easier to maintain a reputation than trying to build a new reputation from the ruins of a damaged one.
If something negative about you goes to the Internet, develop a position and get it on the Web quickly.
Do not try spinning information that is not true. Remember, the truth is probably just a mouse click away.
Continually monitor what is being written about you on the Internet.
Use reputation management as part and parcel of career management.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

John Brewington, Phoenix PI Writes- Robert Paisola Responds

Hello to all of our readers around the world. Today has been an incredible day at Western Capital as we continue to work on the plans for the hospital that we are preparing to make possible for the people of Mexico.

We have spent three years on this project and it is finally coming to fruition.

To those of you who do not know, there are a few people in this country that do not support our mission, passion or commitment to change the American Penal Landscape. Among those people are Bill "Billie Bauer" ,John Brewington, a private investigator in Arizona who absolutely detests everything we stand for and a few others.

Well, this evening, we received a letter from Mr. John F. Brewington, and we feel that you deserve to see what type of opposition and judgment that we have to deal with AND at the same time focus on our long term goals of truly creating world change.

For the record, this is an unedited and non-redacted version of Mr. Brewington's letter.

From: John F. Brewington []
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2008 6:16 PM
Subject: Life


I have been very busy and haven't had time to respond to you from the last email. I wonder if you realize that Rachel filed a complaint against you with the Center for Missing and Exploited Children? While I believe you are capable of all sorts of wrongs, it hasn't escaped my attention that this may just be a person striking out at someone she has issues with. Using the internet as a weapon of choice, something you know about. Of course your keen interest in escorts has been observed maybe she has a real reason to roll over on you, metiphorically speaking.

Your trial is coming up very soon and you will be going back to prison. The question is will you be banned from the internet forever. Whether you know it or not that would be the best thing for you. Keep you out of the cross hairs of guys like me, the press and LE. You can actually work at Jiffy Jube or Macdonalds and with your talents create something you can be proud of and develop of healthy self esteem. You are what you are.

Next time you post on the Rip Off Report consider the consequences. These two stories have done far more damage to you two than anything you can possibly come up with.

I have advised you before and I suggest again. Go back and fix some of the things you have done. You can't ask for mercy till you give it. Plus you're going to need something to show the judge at your sentencing.

John Brewington PI
JFB Acquisitions
AZ PI 1551859
International Association of Commercial Collectors
National Association of Investigative Specialists
Arizona Association of Licensed Private Investigators

Our Reply to Mr Brewington:

Salt Lake City, Utah
January 9, 2008

Hey John,

Thanks for writing to me. I appreciate the time you have taken to write to me. I have no ill feelings against Ms Guyon and as far as the filing of a complaint with the Center for Missing and Exploited Children, I am wondering who she is thinking may be missing. She is just a girl that has issues, but does not everyone?

Regarding the trial, We have a great defense group and I feel that the court will be fair as the issues surround data that was submitted that was not correct. We have talked to many people on this issue and have come to the joint conclusion that my registrations were not wanton disregard for the law, but data that was incorrectly filed, like the zip code issue and the Mail Box address mix up.

As far as having to go to prison, that is not a reality at this point, as we have reached an agreement that takes care of all of the pending issues. I truly believe that all of the calls and letters to the courts from my clients around the nation who are in support of me and my agenda have helped.

You are right, that there are people like yourself and Bill Bauer and Steven Dark that I will never be able to prove change to, so to those, I simply can only ask you to look at my successes at this time.

Yes, there is a possibility that I could spend some time in county jail for the registration issue, however, if the judge feels that is the best interest of the situation then I will simply do the time.

My advocates around the nation are very vocal and I am assisting many people. I have another pending book deal and a movie is in the works. All because of the public stance that I have taken on offender reform.

As far as the rip off report, I have no control what Ed does in his magical world. I have moved on to bigger and better things.

So, I will deal with the cards of life as they fall and I always am up front with my clients and the people I assist, however, they say time and time again… we could care less what happened 10 years ago, and if I need to spend a few months in a county jail, then that is what I will do. But you can better believe that my publisher in New York will be taking care of me….just like most people that truly get to know me.

So no, I do not think that I will be working at a jiffy lube or a Mc Donalds, as I have so much to offer this world that we live in. And the good news is that I am 100 percent open about everything, and in America, people respect and honor that. That establishes trust and SHOWS that I am absolutely clear on my mission of helping the less fortunate. Just look at the work that we have done on the Rick Koerber and Franklin Squires Projects. Look at the other foundations that we are now aligned with. Look at the constant investigative data that we provide to stop this abuse that is going on. People DO see past the past, John.

In conclusion, let me state that the courts around the nation have looked at the reasonableness of devoiding someone the right to access what is essentially the worlds communication system, the internet, and even the supreme court has chimed in on this issue, and a ruling like that id outside the bounds of reasonableness, in today’s world, especially when I am living in an internet environment.

I am going to post this commentary on the blogs as well as your letter. I think that it will give people direct insight as to the reasons that you have chosen to take two years to pursue me, just go back and re-read the letter (that we will also post for our readers) that you wrote to the Utah Attorney General.

A simple posting on the Rip Off Report…. And all you had to do was call and it could have been resolved in two days.

John, I wish you the absolute best that life has to offer. I wish you success in all that you do and I have absolutely no ill will feelings toward you or your loved ones.

I am sure I will see you at the trial..

With Warmest Regards,

Robert Paisola
The Western Capital Foundation